2. lepas tu akan nampak benda ni Yahoo! Messenger Pingbox™
* Create a Pingbox
* Getting started is super easy. Learn how it works
3. dah buat dan ikut semua instruction yg dia ajor
4. ikut jer apa yg instruction dia tau..haa masa untuk Style your Pingbox, kat sini korang pilih arr backgrounds, size, color, personal greeting, and more.
5. pilih kat mana korang nak tepek pingbox ni
* MySpace
* Friendster
* hi5
* Blogger
* Live Spaces
* LiveJournal
* Xanga
6 tada siap..korang bleh Chat dengan kekawan korang ek
* Send and receive IMs with your visitors when you sign into Yahoo! Messenger. IMs between you and each Pingbox visitor are private.
* Learn more about Pingbox privacy
p/s : puan honeybee..ni lah cara2 yg ko tanya tu..tapi make sure ko kena bukak akaun yahoo dlu tau beb..selamat mcuba :P
ohh okey nanti aku buat,,hee2
hehehe buat jangan tak buat beb..entry ni khas untuk ko tau :P
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